4 May 2010

New look site!

As you can see the site looks rather different. I’ve just spent a good while reorganising and redesigning it. Hopefully it should all be a bit more user friendly now. But I’m eager to hear your feedback. If you like or dislike anything or find any problems I should know about. Please do leave me a comment. I don’t get much time to go through everything with my site very often so sometimes I don’t always spot problems. Thanks for your help!
Apart from the structural and style changes to the site I’ve substantially reorganised my shop, adding more products and shopping in the Euro and US dollar currencies for those whom that will help. These days you are ordering your training books and DVDs from all over the planet. Thanks so much for the support of our shop - it really helps us.
Below I’ve re-posted some really old extended articles I wrote on research and finger injuries that used to live in a different place on my old site. Sorry if you’ve seen them before. I just didn’t want them to disappear altogether.
Now that I’m (hopefully) over the task of site redesign, I can get back to writing posts…


  1. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Super Sweet!

  2. Anonymous12:05 am


    Looks great. Is there a link to your personal blog? Or did you combine the two. If fact, didn't you have a link of multiple "useful sites"?

    Having the categories in another color would help them standout a bit and make them easier on the eyes.

    Keep up the great work!


  3. My personal blog is the first link on the navbar - "blog"


  4. Much improved! I like the new look... probably one of the best looking climbing blogs out there now.

    I think a larger default type size and shorter line length (60-80 characters per line is pretty optimal for the eye to scan) would be nice for reading longer posts.

    Check out, for example, the short line lengths on the articles at the Bygone Bureau:


    Nice on the eyes. Ragged right justification helps, too, I think.

    Nitpicking aside, the redesign looks great and it's now even more fun to poke around your archives.

  5. As a developer and a UI / UX junky I would have to agree with ian. A little larger font size would be nice. Also a different color for links. Red underline?

    Good clean layout though.

  6. Looks really good, nice clean design - alltough I have to agree with Ian that a larger font size would be easier to read.

  7. I really appreciate the changed background color. much easier to read!

  8. The site redesign looks great. Big improvement! Really clean, easy on the eye.

    Like that you seem to have upped your @davemacleod09 Tweet frequency as well.
